June 11, 2008

51 Days

As you can see, from the title of this entry, it's been 51 days since I went raw. It's hard for me to believe that I've really done it! Other than a few little bites of cooked foods, I've been nearly 100%. I'm learning when it's ok to have a taste versus when it's better not to go there and risk backsliding. Eating raw has been a someday goal of mine for such a long time, but one of those goals I never quite got around to doing. Well, here I am, finally doing it.

So, I've been keeping my meals simple: lots of green smoothies (a quart a day) and salads with seaweed and sauerkraut. I have my daily maca nutmilk drink, which definitely gives me energy. I have a little manna bread here and there. I've had a few days of craving sweet things (it's worse when I don't get my greens) and imbalanced meals, like tonight, when I had a big bowl of strawberries with chocolate avocado mousse for dinner. Not typical,but sometimes you have to feed your soul, as well as your body.

I'm finally starting to see some progress, energy-wise. I think the combo of raw, acupuncture, maca drinks and Chinese mystery herbs are beginning to work their magic. Let's not forget my new favorite thing- qigong. Talk about magic! I can feel a big difference each time I practice it. I've had more energy this past week than I've had in a long time. When I went and had electro-dermal screening the other week, even though my thyroid still tested weak, my readings were the best they've ever been. So very gratifying!

I'm still working on getting the level of restful sleep I need. I'm not there yet, but it's also improving. I have to say that my favorite physical change is losing some rather stubborn body fat, especially around my middle. I had a goal in the back of my mind that I wanted to be in better shape in my 30's than I was in my 20's. I've already accomplished it with more ease than I imagined, although I still need to tone things up a little.   I've lost about 6 pounds, which doesn't sound like a lot, but on a thin-framed person like me, it makes a big difference. I'm actually not dreading wearing a swimsuit this summer- how exciting! I'll need to get new pants soon...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! I love to hear about the progress. Your 30's will be your best decade EVER...in every aspect. I am so proud of you for being disciplined and making healthy choices...allowing yourself to taste w/o backsliding, etc. I am curious about qigong ??