I've definitely had a minimal amount of physical detox symptoms. I think that's due to the fact that I was already eating a vegetarian diet with anywhere from 40-70% raw for awhile before I started. I've noticed some emotional detox, though. Things that need to be dealt with are bubbling up to the surface, which can be a little hard at moments, but very necessary. I think it really is true that food toxins keep you dull and in denial.
I'm really liking the benefits I've reaped, thus far. My complexion is starting to look clear and smooth. My belly is flattening out (yes!). My muscles feel light and more full of energy.
The next step for me is to super-charge things. I ordered some Maca Extreme powder to add to my smoothies. I've been hearing good things about it, as far as rebuilding the whole endocrine system, and, lord knows, mine could use some rebuilding. I love trying new things and being my own guinea pig.
Let the experiment begin!
1 comment:
Don't ya just love the "flat belly?"
Kristen's Raw
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