Last night I experienced what I can only explain as the effects of eating a raw food diet. I went to bed around midnight feeling tired and comfortable. We had been talking all night about exciting things and I found my brain would not shut off! It wanted to create raw food and write and talk and do do do.......and I lay there trying to meditate and shut my mind down a bit.
I eventually fell asleep and popped up about 6:30 am (VERY rare for me!) feeling just as excited about life as I had the night before. I snuck off to the gym for about an hour and returned home in time to take my husband to work. I had some juice and a piece of cake from the night before and headed off to take the dog around the lake for a couple of miles.
Usually by the end of this walk we're both pretty worn out. Not today! As my dog's hips sank lower to the earth with each step I found myself bouncing right along like little miss sunshine! The only explanation I can think of is the power of raw food! I'm sure the fresh air and beautiful sunshine didn't hurt either.
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