May 6, 2008

Easy as pie

I'm constantly surprised how easy it is so make good food when you have good ingredients. When you have raw ingredients, everything is good! I finally finished the last of a raw pie I made the other day. I call it a breakfast pie b/c it's really good for breakfast! I didn't measure anything so these are only estimates. The rawcipe is as follows (roughly):

1 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1/4 cup dried coconut
1/2 cup soaked raisins
2 T agave nectar
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch of sea salt

mix and blend briefly, fit into pie pan

10 strawberries sliced
1/2 mango sliced into small strips or squares (as long as they lay flat)

layer topping in crust. drizzle with additional agave nectar, sprinkle with coconut. EAT!
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The fruit combo could be switched to whatever you have. I really just threw this together thinking "we'll see what happens!" and it turned out beautiful and delicious. I have been eating it for breakfast and it is so satisfying.

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